Goodridge Brake Lines Hoses and Fittings

How to order

If you need to know how to specify a hose please visit this page.

If you are having problems or are unsure how to order, please follow this simple guide to assist you in making your purchase.

Step one
Please make sure that cookies and javascripts are enabled on your browser before you attempt to make an order as these are needed in the order process. If you are unsure how to do this we have provided a helpful guide to enable cookies on your browser.

Step two
Choose the section you would like to order from on the left-hand side of the page. For example either Car Brake Lines or Motorcycle Brake Lines.

Step Three
Select the your vehicle's manufacturer from the list provided. If the make of your vehicle is not available in the list then please do call us to check the availability of the item you would like to order.

Step Four
Once you have selected the manufacturer you will be presented with a list of models associated with that manufacturer, find the relevant model you are looking for and on the right-hand side of the line you will see 'Add to Basket', click this to add the item to your shopping basket.

Step Five
When you click 'Add to Basket' you will be taken to a page that will confirm the item has been added to your shopping basket correctly. If you would like to order additional items you can do so by repeating steps two to four, if you have everything you wish to order please select 'Go to Shopping Basket'. If you are presented with an error please see Step One of this page.

Step Six
Once you are viewing the shopping basket you are able to upgrade your brake hose from Zinc Plated to Stainless Steel hoses. You are also able to increase the quantity of the item by entering the desired amount in the box and click on 'Update'. If you need to remove an item from your shopping basket you can do so by entering the number zero as the quantity and clicking 'Update'. Once you are happy with your shopping basket you can proceed to make your order by clicking 'Order Products'.

Step Seven
When you click the 'Order Products' button on the Shopping Basket you will be taken to the Pre Order form page with our Terms & Conditions, you must agree to the Terms & Conditions to continue with your order. Once you accept and click on 'Please Take Me To The Secure Order Form' you will be taken to our secure server for you to enter your details safely. If you receive any warnings about moving from a non secure to secure server please click 'Yes' as this is ok.

Step Eight
Please fill out all of the relevant information onto the order form page to enable us to process your order successfully. If you would like your brake hoses to be in a specific colour please state this in the box provided. Once you have completed the order form press "Submit my order" and your order will be sent for us to process. Once the order has been sent you will be presented with an Order Confirmation page to confirm that the order was sent successfully, Please print out this page which will show the time and date of your order along with our contact details should you have any problems.

Goodridge | Car kit list-plated | Car kit list-stainless | Fittings & Accessories | Specifying a Hose | Hoses Finishers | Hose Types | Plated Fittings | Stainless Steel Fittings | Customer Projects
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